Tuesday, November 22, 2005


When I mentioned to a few friends today that I had started a blog, the first question they ask me is a simple why?
My 3rd grade Science teacher used to say that "y" is a crooked letter.
The truth is there are many reasons why I've started this blog. I will try to enumerate a few in the next few posts and may add more as I think them up.
#1(They are not being put into an order based on significance): My Rabbi used to tell me that one of the problems with the Yeshivah system today, is "they don't give the students a language to think with. They try pushing a little Yiddish, a little Hebrew, a little Aramaic and of course a little English. So what do you have at the end? A person who has a minimal grasp of any language. Fact of the matter is, is that the human mind primarily thinks in words. Meaning if you don't have a good command of a language, your thoughts can never be to precise, to sharp and thinking will never reach its optimum."
He told me I should study the English language consistently. He encouraged me to try and work on improving my vocabulary. I shamefully confess that I have been lax with his directives for the simple reason I lost all motivation, because I simply had no place where I could put my new found words into proper use.
So reason #1 "why" I've created this blog, is to have a place where I can practice my new words and hopefully it will serve as the proper push to keep me studying.
#2: To follow at a later blogging date.


At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

namastaei [as in welcome]to Blogville!

Linguistically we call that someone with 'no language' [think no man's land] and i agree with you that it is an important medium to develop [as you'll notice from my own compulsive ramblings ;)]

keep scribbling...looking forward to reading some streams of consciousness...

At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's kinda ironic that it is written above "Meaning if you don't have a good command of a language, your thoughts can never be to precise, to sharp and thinking will never reach its optimum."

It should be:

"Meaning if you don't have a good command of a language, your thoughts can never be too precise, too sharp and thinking will never reach its optimum."

Am I right?

At 1:02 AM, Blogger vintage jeans said...

Yes, you are correct.
I am looking for an editor if you're available. Any assistance with punctuation, grammar and vocaulary is allways appreciated.

At 1:40 AM, Blogger Suma said...

Don't worry you're doing a great job.. And don't forget a blog is place where you don't have to worry about grammer etc...

At 10:40 AM, Blogger vintage jeans said...

Manhattan spelling, this is true, unless one of your primary reasons for starting a blog is to improve your writing skills.


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