I was under the impression that personality in the snag world was very hard to find. I was therefore pleasantly surprised when I came across these videos.
They're both made by Yeshiva guys. One of them is a music video of the song L'cha by the Chevra. The actual music video is funny and the bloopers after are very amusing.
The other is a music video as well, this one seems to me to be an original song. It's entitled 'Find my zivug now' all though not as funny as the first, most guys who have dated a bit can probably relate to one part or another- hopefully, not all of it.
Thanks for the links! Both videos r really cute and i couldnt help having fun when i watched the lecha video. The guys look like theyre living it up. Is that really what yeshiva life is like? Sign me up!!!
I have good news! Very soon I'll be opening my own girl’s seminary. It's going to consist of the fun of a yeshivah, yet still the pampering of a top notch sem.
I would advise that you send in an application as soon as you can. Once word gets out the spaces will disappear in the blink of an eye.
Lol, I am sure you would love that.
Seminaries can be fun too (it is all about how you make it) and we do not get pampered.
My brothers had a pool in their yeshivah, tell me one girls school that does.
If you're not getting pampered why is it that every girl comes back from sem with an extra 15 pounds?
Double portions of 'gulash'?
Don't think so.
Thanks, it's coming along sllllowly. Although with your help it may speed up the pace.
"I was under the impression that personality in the snag world was very hard to find." - You're from SA ? I hope you're not imbibing too much Lubavitch propaganda. I would guess your ancestors were 'snags' (that offensive term used by those who pose as such lovers of their co-religionists - a bit contradictory, no ?), if you're a typical SA Jew. If so, you should go back to your real roots and not to a group they didn't hold of.
"...If so, you should go back to your real roots and not to a group they didn't hold of". What is that supposed to mean? The term Misnagdim was chosen by its founders- who's to blame for that? What does it mean one Jew not holding of another? What right does one have to say that if they disagree with how to serve the same creater? There are many sects in Judaism that add their special way- but we all have the same basics. It would be better if we all found our common goals to unite us rather than concentrating on the minor differences. We as Jews are a minority as it is- why break us up even more.
By the way, I enjoyed the video clip- keep up the humor.
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