Monday, December 12, 2005

My transmogrify

On Friday night I was reborn, I was recreated. As who? As an intellectual. From that point on my mind was reopened.
Because you see, I was clever a long time ago.
The brain like all parts of the human anatomy will function as long as it's in use, or as my personal trainer put it "use it, or lose it."
My mind has spent to much time on vacation, lazying around, never being challenged.
On the advice of my Mashpia (mentor) I went with a few friends to take an aptitude test. The test was 6 hours long plus a 45 minute session with the therapist. One of the sections of the test was to test your mental capacities, to see what kind of career options were practical.
I scored in the 90th percentile, I wasn't impressed though, after all a yideshe kup (a Jewish mind) these tests were made for regular people. It was only when the other 2 guys told me that they both scored in the 63rd and 67th that I started to become conceited. I had always known I was a genius. Not for very long was my ego destined to be inflated.
It dawned on me, Oy! So much wasted potential.
The one thing that hurts more than lacking something, is having it and then losing it. Why had I not worked and studied growing up. Of course parents are the first to blame, then you have the community after that will usually come school, teachers, friends, everybody else is responsible for not motivating me, for never challenging me, for not instilling that drive in me to push myself to reach where I should/could have been.
No more!
I've now become an intellectual. That's right, I have made it. I always proclaim and teach, like a mantra "it's never to late." I'm taking my advice to heart.
I've decided to take my studying a tad more seriously. To encourage me to try and attain more and more information, I will from now on be posting once week the books that I've read in the past week. Initially there will not be any ratings or reviews, except by specific request.

Books of the week
As a Driven Leaf, written by Milton Steinberg
Branches Of The Chassidic Menorah Vol. 1, written by Rabbi YY Schneerson


At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to think life would be much easier if I was stupid, like the phrase "More gain, more pain." Whats the point? Why do I need the the gain if it only leads to pain? Then I realized that there is something wrong with this phrase, something is missing; it should go: more gain, more pain, more gain. It definitly makes things harder when you are smart, and you have a greater responsibilty, but the outcome is also so much greater.

At 12:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did you think of Steinberg's book?

At 1:54 PM, Blogger vintage jeans said...

I loved it. Which is surprising since I usually don't like Torah novels, I think they pervert something holy and pure.
Although I don't feel that Mr. Steinberg necessarily stayed true to the historical facts of the story, he painted such an intricate picture of the time I was truly fascinated. Today, thanks to Steinberg, I don't merely read history books I can see the history (of course referring to history of the Mishnaic times). There is more, but I'm short on time.
In my opinion a must read.

At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well if you are born as a simple machine lets take a toaster for example its good to know your only function is to toast bread. But if you are created to be a complex machine, lets take a computer for example try doing a simple task like toasting bread and you will never even know what you could have done all you have is a fried computer.
my point
figure it out!

At 1:12 AM, Blogger vintage jeans said...

Are you saying that I may be focusing my energies in the wrong places? If thats the case, you may be on to something.
Have you noticed the slowdown of new posts?
What would you suggest?

At 9:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

for starters its coming to terms with the fact that you are a complex machine which i see you have done.
now with that done no 2 complex machines are the same so what are you? and what does your machine do best?
When do you feel challenged, what makes you feel alive. what gets your blood pumping. What makes your machine special?
now the challenge is to constantly make sure you are no just surviving but you are THRIVING. That this day you are a new person with no limits or stories in your head that don't allow you to go to a new place (figuratively).
There is something that you have that no one else in the world has and if you don't find it no one will.
thats all


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