Friday, March 24, 2006

Life is good

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Friends forever?

All good things must come to an end...

Tears flowing down my face
like a broken faucet
I won't let you see my eyes
you'll never know I cried
I don't want to express my feelings
they're not pent up inside
as they fall down to my lap
drip drop, there's nothing to hide

Monday, March 06, 2006

Blog ya later

Both friends and strangers have been asking me for an update on the blog.
Friends are curious to know how things are working out with me and strangers I guess don't want to lose their voyeur buddy or whatever other reason that keeps us interested in the going ons in random people's lives.
There have been 2 reasons for lack of an update.
#1: Since I've been here I haven't been spending any time on the computer. Last night was the annual dinner for the community and I've been busy all week helping out with the preparations. I average about 20 minutes a day on the computer and that's usually divided up into 6 parts; just enough time to reply to emails and give shmais a check to make sure I don't miss any engagements I have to know about.
#2: I left NY for a number of reasons, enumerated below in previous posts and comment discussions. I came here to CA away from my closest friends and most of my family because I felt I needed to reevaluate the direction my life was taking. To spend some time in relative solitude enabling constructive introspection. And I think that by posting on my blog I would be defeating the intended idea and purpose of my trip. Instead of appreciating any breakthroughs I may have for what they are, I would instead be thinking about how to project it in my writings.
In effect losing any beauty and meaning of self-discovery.

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