Also known as long johns, thermal underwear and long underwear, but growing up to me it was known by another name "ZAIDE'S UNDERWEAR."
You see my older brother thought it was funny to have me believe that long johns were for grandpa's. I didn't believe it at first , then I had doubts and slowly but surely it began to sink in, he may be right. He asked the tough questions and of course he had all the answers.
"Why do you think their all off white?
Of course because they used to be Zaides and since Zaide's old his underwear must be old as well and when underwear gets old the white is no longer as white as it used to be."
"Why at the mikvah are all the old men wearing the long underwear?
Because that's the only kind that they're allowed to wear."
I almost had him when I spotted another kid wearing them as well, but my brother was quick to solve the mystery "His mother must also force him to wear his Zaide's underwear."
Needless to say I was scarred for all eternity, there was no way my Mom could ever get me to wear a pair of long johns.
And who do you think suffered?
Me of course, I would always freeze my buns off in the winter.
Well, as I grew older I began to think how logical I was being with my prejudices against the long john.
"He who sits in comfort in his underwear is truly a happy man." (unknown source)
You know what? I don't sit around in my underwear and keeping my buns warm is achieving the happy effect.
Thanks Zaide!
very cute! G'luck with the longjohns.
that was so random.
btw it's about time you write something. I almost thought u forgot your password or something.
yes sometimes it takes a lot of years to realize the wisdom of parents and grandparents. but hey better late than never... someones gonna be warm this winter.
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