The journey continues

I arrived, I'm in my room and I've got internet! Galvan the neighbor was nice enough to leave his network unsecured.
My original plan was to stop this blog and continue posting on the new blog I created. The new blog was going to be a picture journal of my activities here in San Diego, but the camera I had ordered before I left turned out to be from a refurbished website and I canceled the order before I left. If anybody knows of any good deals on a digital camera please post it in the comments.
I'm excited to be back. In truth there's a rush of emotions, but with them all there's an underlying apprehension, a nervousness of what's going to be? Where will this all lead?
I started making a basic schedule of things I would like to accomplish while I'm here, nothing major just small things to add a little structure to my day. I'm sure the Rabbi will be keeping me busy, he has 30 years of shlichus experience, he knows how to ask in a way where people can't say no. I feel that it's important though to have some things that will be my primary focus to make sure that I do every day so that I know I'll be leaving here with something.
I'll write it out tomorrow, my eyes are closing.
Shout out to the two gentle spirits. ;-)
Thanks brother, hope all is well with you. I'm going to be checking out the hiking trails later on this week G-d willing.
I appreciate the support imfullofit; I do think I made the right decision, what will come out of it, only time will tell.
Stoner, I'm still looking around for a camera. I checked out the sites that you graciously provided, but was unable to come up with anything suitable. The search goes on.
hmmm, i just spent a good part of my morning sopposedly working at the office but reading your blog instead,
i'm sooooo jealous that you are in s. diega.......
i might have to come there soon and surprisee everyone there.
but till then
i know you have an extensive vocab so i feel i shud put some big words in my comment... but its to early in the morning to be witty and cute.
i hate posting comments this is a one time cuz i was asked.. but now that i know about this blog i will definitely be back...
vintage! its been like four days since we've heard from you! feeling like a fish outa' water!
hello, we're still waiting! I guess san diego is more fun than you thought!
Vintage??? Where are you??
Hey guy's, I'm still here.
I love you too.
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