I haven't been up to posting the past couple of days. For some reason I felt that expressing my morbidness, despondency and melancholy would make me feel better inside. Sadly when that effect didn't occur it got me a bit discouraged.
I was then looking over my previous posts, I realized that never did I intend my writings to be a relief of my inner unwholesomeness. I quickly got over myself and I'm back blogging.
To conclude the previous posts, the final two reasons for my blog will be brief relative to the ones previously.
My mind similar to most is like a jungle, thoughts and ideas floating all over the place. At times my thought process has structure and I can complete a certain idea, but at other times all though I may be content with a concept that I thought out, it turns out under further analysis to be extremely fragmented and missing many links. When you take an idea that your mind is working on and express it, that in itself brings clarity to the subject.
That leads me to reason #3. By getting used to putting thoughts or ideas into writing that would otherwise just be wandering around my head in bits and pieces it will help train my mind to think more clearly and coherently.
Reason #4 is to serve a simple purpose. That is to document my thoughts and feelings, sort of like an online journal. Even though at this point it's the least significant of my reasons I think in time it will be the most appreciated.
In summary, #1 improve vocabulary, #2 a place to vent (even though it doesn't make me feel good), #3 help me develop a more clear thought process, and #4 document my happenings and ordeals.
If in anyway I veer from the aforementioned reasons in my writings, don't mention it, because it's MY blog and I don't want to hear it.
Peace and love!