Taking is giving? As I rolled out of bed this morning I wondered, why am torturing myself by waking up at 7:00 in the morning to go learn? I know one thing, I definitely don't enjoy learning this much.
This morning was especially difficult getting up since I was working at Hasc for Shabbos and only got home after 1:30 AM. This was my first time ever going to work by train. Going to work Friday wasn't to bad, but coming home last night would have been such a pain taking the train. I couldn't bring myself to ask someone to pick me up, thank G-d I have a friend who seems to be telepathic. He called me and said "I'm picking you up, what time do you finish work"? I was pleasantly surprised, but hating to take favors from people I said"at 11:00", then asked "but are you sure you don't mind"? And of course totally ignoring my question he replied " I'll see you at 11:00".
Is it a problem that I have issue with asking people for favors? Shouldn't I feel comfortable asking people that love and care me for things I need? Aren't relationships about giving
and taking? Ok, I'll give you that
true love is all about giving of yourself completely for the other, but in a real practical relationship in addition to giving, you must have the ability to take the others love as well, because both sides have to be able to give for the relationship to flourish.
I don't bother opening my blinds in the morning. The sight of my neighbors living room isn't the energy booster I'm looking for to begin my day.So it was only when I came downstairs that I became aware of last nights snowfall. I was elated, the first snow of the year and I had woken up early enough to get to see it while it was still white, before it would turn black and slushy from of the merciless trampling by the throngs of people that live in this great city.
My walk to Eastern Parkway took over 25 minutes, the best 25 minutes of the month. Fresh snow has the power to completely clear my mind and lift my spirits better then anything I can imagine (besides for maybe- laying in a hammock by a beach on an exotic island shaded by the palm tree leaves with a tray of ice cold lemonade always being refilled standing in arms reach and my beautiful wife sitting right beside me playing the harp - maybe).
It was on my walk in the silence of the snow that I had my epiphany.
True, giving and receiving is what makes the world spin round. Notice the difference in terminology? Now I used receiving and before it was taking. The word 'taking' connotes taking something by force or not necessarily with the others consent. On the other hand the word 'receiving' implies taking something that is offered.
Therein lays the answer to my query, the quelling of my concerns. The fact that I have trouble asking people for things, yet have no trouble in taking them once offered is in fact a commendable trait.
All too often a demand or even an expectation from another is where the breakdown of relationships begin. Every person has a different character makeup. What may seem easy for you may be difficult for another and vice-a-visa. It's when we hold other people up to the same standards we hold for ourselves that the trouble starts a brewing. Because the fact is we'll forgive ourselves a lot quicker then we'd be willing to forgive another.
True we have too be able to take, but we must only take as much as the other is willing to
Heal the world.