The blind leading the blind
This weekend being my last Shabbos in NY, was also my last Shabbos working at HASC. I've been working there for nearly a year now and the fact that I don't know when, or if I'll be coming back made it all the more difficult leaving tonight. Besides for the obvious benefits gained with being involved in such work, working with the guys has enriched my life in smaller ways as well; I've learned to appreciate the finer things, the more subtle things in life and I'm going to miss that bi-weekly injection I've begun to take for granted.
On Motzei Shabbos it's up to the D.C.C (Direct Care counselor) to decide on what activity he'd like to do with guys for the evening. I wasn't sure where I wanted to take the guys, since it was so cold the options were more limited. I could take them to Manhattan, Times Square always keeps them well occupied and would distract them from the bitter cold, but I had too many wanderers tonight and couldn't take the chance in the big city. The parks would never work in this weather and I had no idea what to do with them.
I figured, we would just leave and hopefully I'll think of something as I'm driving around. We were driving in the van and I looked behind me to see how the guys were doing. They all looked content, rocking their heads back and forth with the rhythm of the music, excited that they were out on an outing. Little did they know that, I, the one who arranges their trip had no idea where we were headed, it didn't even occur to them, after all as their counselor I had to know where we were going. I laughed to myself, while silently thanking G-d for their naivety and innocence.
As I continued driving it dawned on me, am I really that different? I do the same thing.
How many times in life has it occurred that a dream, or a hopeful vision once acquired turned out to be nothing of what was expected? My imagination has still not run dry and I would never stop dreaming.
How many times have you gone to people seeking advice and guidance and by the time the conversation was over, the tables had turned and the student had become the mentor (I'm not referring to friends, but to people who's roles are to be leaders)? I keep returning to these same people in times of trouble.
How many times have people come to you hoping for some extra strength, at a point in your life when you yourself are halfway off the cliff? That never stopped me from trying to help.
We're no different, we too follow people or things without knowing the final destination or if this is the correct path leading towards it.
Coming out of Toys 'R Us with 6 giddy happy guys in tow, still excited by all the toys and games (and dolls) they had seen and got to play with, I realized it's not always about the vision. Even when life is not completely mapped out, you have to chug on, you can't be afraid, because things usually do end up ok. Planning and foresight is encouraged and expected and although things won't always turn out as you planned, it still remains, as G-ds plan.
Blind following the blind?
I don’t think so. There's a divine map to the world, perfect vision.